Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Multiple Monitors

Some may think having multiple monitors is completely unnecessary. Why would you ever want more than one monitor. The purpose is for more work space. Having more monitors is never unnecessary... unless of course you don't have anything to use them for. Pardon me if I make no sense.. I was up all night last night writing papers and working on projects.

I, myself, have two computers relayed over a total of three monitors. Last night.. I was using every one to easily view information that I needed while at the same time continue to have a full screened word document showing. I guess I could just make each window smaller, but that can get hard to see as you start to get tired and fall asleep at your desk. This is why I like to put some sort of movie on while I'm doing my work. I was able to have a full screened movie playing, a full screened web browser, and a full screened word document. Did I need all that? Probably not, but it certainly made it a lot easier.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


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Friday, March 27, 2009

Cloning Wars

Simply put, cloning just makes sense.

The state we are currently in is one where transplanted organs must come from freshly dead cadavers or artificial sources, or in some cases, animal organs like pig hearts. The one consistent factor between all of these options is that they are not reliable.

Those who oppose cloning often make the argument that killing is not okay, and that creating a clone to be harvested for organs is unethical because it involves killing a human being. The alternative to this is to let people with faulty organs die slowly on life support, or use faulty organs that will require heavy medication to allow the body to accept the transplant. Does this sound ethical to you? I don't think it does.

The bottom line is this: When someone's vital organ fails, someone IS going to die. Were a clone to be raised to produce a better organ replacement, it would be that clone. Consider the two options: Kill a person who has already lived a long life and has a lot to offer humanity, or a clone which has nothing to offer besides its organs.

The choice, to me, seems obvious.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Second Life Prostitution

Just something to lol at.

On January 11, 2008, Linden Lab banned virtual prostitution. According to the post on the company’s blog, the change in policy has been brought about by many complaints about many in-world “whores” not delivering the services that they promise. These “whores” often promise an unusually high rate of satisfaction, while charging a higher than standard amount to their customers. “Johns” are left, high and dry after these dirty sluts TP out - leaving upset “would-be depositors” with nothing to show for their investments.

Here is the exact post:

“As of January 15, 2008, it will be prohibited to offer sex or any other escort service for a fee (whether in L$ or other currency) from any avatar, such as a stripper or prostitute, located in Second Life, without proof of an applicable medical clearance and real life Pimp Permission Form. We’re implementing this policy after reviewing Resident complaints, sexual activities, and the law, and we’re doing it to protect our Residents and the integrity of our morals.

There is no workable alternative. The so-called escorts are not operated, overseen or insured by Linden Lab (that we know of), nor can we predict which will fail or when. And Linden Lab isn’t, and can’t start acting as, a virtual pimp or prostitution regulator.”

If I even had any respect left for this game, I have lost the rest of it that I was holding on to.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Old does not mean boring.

Each year game companies like Blizzard and Electronic Arts keep releasing new video games that push the boundaries of graphic technology (see above: Mirror's Edge by Electronic Arts). About two weeks ago I found myself reverting back to older games with less advanced technology. I went all the way back to the original Nintendo Entertainment System and played Super Dodge Ball. This is an 8-bit game that only uses a directional pad and two buttons. The controls for games now-a-days are so much more complex; Having to use multiple keystrokes as well as different combinations of them at the same time. Super Dodge Ball was my favorite game to play when I was young and I feel that because of that, it will never seem boring. Another "old school" game I recently started playing again was created back in 2001. Diablo II was created by Blizzard and became huge shortly after its release. It is not as simple as Super Dodge Ball but im comparison to its successor, World of Warcraft, it looks very simple.
Graphics are not the main aspect to a game. It is the game play that determines the level of fun. All the graphics do is fluff it up and attract people to play it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

You know what's hot? Your mother...board.

In times like these, if you want anything done right, you have to do it yourself! When it comes to computers there is no company that provides a "great" system. The best way to get a reliable system is to build it yourself from scratch. When some people hear this, they immediately think that the task is way out of their abilities. But it is actually very easy and a hell of a lot cheaper. I built my Desktop PC last April with mostly all top end parts and it only cost me about $1300. If you were to buy the exact setup of my build from a company, you would be charged around $2500.

Building your own computer usually saves you around 50% of the cost. Not only can you get yourself a powerful yet cheap machine, you get to choose a beautiful case to put all your parts in. There are so many cases that look simply amazing. And after you get everything set up, you can add lights! I have Red LEDs that react to sound. My whole setup is red. I have my Keyboard with an LED under each key that can shine three different colors. I have my high dpi mouse that glows red. And I have two red light tubes along with red LEDs lighting up my cooling fans.

I built my PC not only to be an extreme form of electronic entertainment, but it is also a work of art.

If anyone is thinking about building their own computer, I recommend the following site to purchase your parts.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sarcos Powered Exoskeleton

So... this is how it is. Sarcos, a crazy ass company that builds robotics, came up with a powered suit that makes humans more powerful than fucking Megaman.

Ever dream of being like Iron man? Well I'm sure you will be able to but it will cost you an arm and a leg. But it will also give you superhuman strength.

It will never be available at a reasonable price and most likely will only be used by the military. As of now, there is no way to power the suit without a physical cord connecting to a massive power supply. Raytheon, a defense contractor, bought the company Sarcos and now owns the rights to this power suit.

"Built from a combination of sensors, actuators and controllers, the futuristic suit enables a user to easily carry a man on his back or lift 200 pounds several hundred times without tiring. Yet, the suit, which is being developed for the U.S. Army, is also agile enough to let its wearer kick a soccer ball, punch a speed bag, or climb stairs and ramps with ease." -Raytheon Co.

I feel this suit is a huge step towards a robotic world. But I also feel that the more technology man comes up with, the worse our world will become. Technology breeds power. Power breeds war. War breeds death.